Christian Education Ministries
Church Support Ministries
Congregational Care Ministries
Intercessory Prayer Ministry
The Intercessory Prayer Ministry seeks to approach God's throne of grace by the power of the Holy Spirit and pray for the many needs of others with special emphasis on Pastor Garris and his family, the entire Antioch Baptist Church family, and all those who enter the doors of our church. This ministry also prays for the lost and unconcerned, all ministries and its leaders, and any other concerns that the Holy Spirit might reveal to the group.
Deacons Ministry
Servant-leaders who serve others in Jesus’ name as we assist the Pastor in ministering to our membership through prayer, visitation, regular contact, and resourcefulness. The deacons provide service to help meet the needs of the membership (and community) , and assisted with communion, congregational prayer, and visited the sick/shut-in members.
Deaconess Ministry
The Deaconess work to serve the congregation and community of Antioch Missionary Baptist Church in the areas of Baptism, Communion, Discipleship and fellowship. The Deaconess assist the Pastor by working with the Deacons in ministering to the needs of the overall congregation—especially to women, children, elderly and those in distress—with loving kindness and sympathy.
Fellowship Ministries
Heart-to-Heart Married Couples Ministry
Heart-to-Heart Married Couples ministry works to develop and offer Christian-based fellowship opportunities for married couples with the purpose of encouraging them to establish, re-establish, or strengthen their relationship with God, thereby strengthening their marital, familial and church relationships, in accordance with the mission of the church.
Seniors on the Move
Seniors on the Move is made of souls with a purpose. This ministry is intentional about who they are and what they do. Helping people realize God's intent for their lives through cards and visits to Antioch's sick and shut-ins, taking food when necessary and helping at the Grier Heights Community Center.
Multimedia Ministries
Communications Team
The Antioch Communication Team’s mission is to inform, engage, and encourage our congregation and community across the Social Media platforms that Antioch utilizes. Our aim is to increase Antioch’s reach in Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a virtual environment. We strive to present professional and aesthetically pleasing graphics and content on all Social Media Platforms.
Outreach Ministries

Feed My Sheep Ministry
The Feed My Sheep Ministry fulfills the Great Commission of Jesus Christ to "Go feed my sheep" and show compassion to those who are oppressed by serving the body, mind and spirit.
Special Ministries and Committees
Project Excel
Encourages students and promotes educational achievements. Project Excel's mission is to recognize graduates who have completed a specific educational level and to highlight their academic honors, awards and accomplishments. We also award scholarships to active members who are pursuing an undergraduate degree.

Journey of Hope Ministry (JOHM)
The Journey of Hope Ministry will provide compassionate, confidential, and nonjudgmental care and support to persons grieving the loss of a loved one, or any non-death related loss. We are here to walk alongside you during your journey. You don't have to walk alone.
Worship Ministries
Senior and Junior Ushers Ministry
Members of the Senior Ushers Ministry are souls with a purpose. They are intentional about who we are and what we do. Helping people realize God’s intent for their lives. The Senior Ushers are very active in the community. Cards and visits to our sick and shut-ins, taking food when necessary and helping at the Grier Heights Community Center